God's Vowel & Consonant Digraphs, Trigraphs, and Quadgraphs Lesson 1
God's Vowel & Consonant Digraphs, Trigraphs, and Quadgraphs Lesson 1 Today’s lesson is Lesson 1 of an 11-part series. We have a free 14-page chart that includes all of the pictures that go with the Digraphs, Trigraphs, and Quadgraphs associated with ALL 11 lessons within this series. It can be read for FREE from any computer, cell phone, or tablet or it can be printed out. This is the link where that chart can be found: https://www.capitalg-ingodslovingworldmin.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Gods-Loving-World-Ministries%E2%84%A2-Gods-Vowel-Consonant-Digraphs-Trigraphs-Quadgraphs-Prophet-Pastor-Anita-Hiltz%C2%A92020-All-Rights-Reserved-Worldwide.pdf We have more free learning materials and books on our website www.capitalg-ingodslovingworldmin.org under the menu heading, “Print Your Free Books Now.” FREE AUDIO BIBLES ONLINE: The Gideons Bible app which you can get from the Google play store comes in a variety of Bible versions, a variety of languages, and there are dramatized versions with sound effects and undramatized versions too. It can be gotten for FREE at the Google Play Store at the URL below: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.faithcomesbyhearing.gideons.android.bibleis&hl=en_US Our mission is to provide FREE Christian Adult/Family Literacy assistance in reading, writing, and math. We also teach English to English as a Second Language Learners. To the Lord Jesus Christ be the Glory! Neither God's Loving World Ministries™ nor Prophet-Pastor Anita Hiltz receive any monies from YouTube for this video. We do not endorse videos which are not our own that may appear before or after this video.
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